Diagnostic May 2017 - The Contest

On May 12th and 13th Lublin’s Department of Polish Association of Laboratory Medicine together with Association for Treatment of Severe Haemorrhages arranges third edition of Diagnostic May symposium.
The main objective of the event is to encourage our young collegues to carry on active participation in conferences and conventions dedicated to laboratory medicine topic.
We also intend to present talented young lecturers to wider audience.
Diagnostic May Contest 2015 has been taken under patronage of Elżbieta Puacz PhD – President of National Chamber of Laboratory Medicine in Poland and Bogdan Solnica PhD MD
President of Polish Association of Laboratory Medicine.


  1. After listening to all lectures, all the participants would vote for favourite lecturers.
  2. Every participant would be able to vote. The system would provide ??? votes (twice the number of candidates).
  3. After counting votes lecturers endowed with the higher number of votes would take Ist, IInd and IIIrd place respectively.



1st place: 2000 PLN

2nd place: 1500 PLN

3rd place: 500 PLN

*The Prizes are going to be paid as remuneration for conducting lecture upon the written agreement.